Tag: Notes to Charlie B.

  • Underneath it All

    In days of yore and yonder past, if a gent really fancied you, he’d bring back wood and game as sustenance for your culinary cave fire or offer help disembraking from the carriage. :kiss1: What, you wonder, is the modern day Order of the Garter equivalent? According to my guy, it’s whipping out the ol’…

  • From the Bottom Up

    A note to my gnomie…some things in life come easy but the best are earned through smarts and determination. Like B and Angel, now that our essences have co-mingled, our lives are forever changed. Thanks for sticking in with me to go from the rear to the front of the victory line. :redhead:

  • Coming Home: Ode to the Birthday Boy

    We all fantasize about our dream house. For most, it is brand-spanking new in a quiet suburban enclave, fitted with an austentacious three-car garage (Porsche in tow) and a bubble-filled bath-tub jacuzzi that you and your honey use EVERY night. Hey, this is your fantasy!:twisted: Mine on the other hand, looks something like George Bailey’s…