Tag: On the Couch: My Inner Psyche

  • Remembering Grams

    My beloved grandma – Mary Alice – died last week. For those of you who follow my blog, you know that she was my sun, moon and stars: a wise-cracking, Florence Nightingale of a miracle savior. My universe and those of so many others will never be the same after her passing. The lights have…

  • Crossing the Rubicon

    One of my favorite columns is Oprah Winfrey’s monthly musings aptly called “What I Know For Sure.” She’s always got a kernellete or two of wisdom to impart to the attentive masses. I find it fasciating that as people advance in years, they seemingly are sure of more because I, for one, am resolute about…

  • Pre and Post: Run Along Little Girl

    People are obsessed about all matters of sports in my Ohio hometown. For God’s sakes, we are the site of the Pro-Football Hall of Fame and possess the biggest astroturf-laden high school outdoor arena in all the world. Tennis, basketball, football, golf…someone was always rabidly cheering for a gifted athlete in my youth. Me, I…

  • Just Passing Through Miss

    Normally I am known to my faithful readers (all three of you) as the High Priestess of Happy, always at the ready with a chirpy word to lift the spirits or the rose-colored glasses to see the can of Fresca as half full. Today though, I feel the forces of darkness and melancholy descending upon…